Tuesday, January 21, 2014

More pictures -01/2014

    Here are some more pictures that for some reason we could not get in the previous post, again please forgive the poor quality. God bless you all, go forward in Jesus name, Amen.

Happy 2014!!!!!

     God bless everyone, time is just flying by, we are almost into our second month of the new year. Hope all had a wonderful holiday season filled with family, friends, peace and most importantly, Jesus. God is doing great things all around from what we see and hear.God is truly sending the fire in this new year to Life Tabernacle Ventura. God has opened several doors in our city with potential souls needing to be saved. Doors are being knocked and seeds are being planted in the hearts of men, women and children of all ages and walks of life. Bible studies are starting to stack up! So far in just this month alone we have had six people baptized in the wonderful only saving name of Jesus and three of those baptized have received the gift of the Holy Ghost for the first time with the evidence of speaking in other tongues just like the bible says!. One of the other individuals already had the Holy Ghost and God fulfilled his word and led him into all truth. The other one received it while praying at home! Amen. We are so thankful for what God is doing and can't wait to see what God has in-store next for our church. Our prayers and blessings go out to all, and we truly pray God moves in your area and pours out His Spirit on hearts all around us. Below are some pictures please forgive the poor quality hopefully more to come very soon, God bless.