Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Praise Report...!!!!

God is doing great things, all over, and in Life Tabernacle, Amen! We have been having prayer meetings down at the church on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday's for almost two weeks now and, Now Bro. Tony Macias, got invited to church for prayer on Monday, God moved upon him, he repented of his sins, he came back on Tuesday night(last night) and God was moving again in that prayer meeting and God baptized Bro. Tony with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues just like the bible says in the book of Acts, he was shining all over his face, and was expressing overwhelming joy, and thanking God! This Wednesday night, he was put down in water in the name of JESUS, also just like it says in the bible, Amen , thank you Jesus there is a new name written down in glory and it's Bro. Tony, God is still moving everywhere, people are out reaching the lost, and giving bible studies, God is drawing people to him and dealing with all of the visitors we've had in services. God is really touching hearts,if we keep doing our parts He will do his, Amen...

-- 1 Corinthians 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
--"                    "3:9 For we are labourers together with God:...

-Amen, God is with wherever we go, if we just do our work, God will give the increase, we just have to keep praying, reading the Word, and talking to people about God and this Glorious hope set before us, and God has our back, and if God be for us who can be against us???, No one and nothing, God is bigger than anything in this world and the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus is waaaaayyy move powerful than anything, lets go get those souls, God bless,

PS. Prayer tomorrow night(Thursday) 7:30pm, hope to see you there, bring a friend...  

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