Praise the Lord everybody! In our second Sunday of February 2014 we had another guest speaker Bro. Sam Howard, God really used him to minister to the church. We were privileged to have Bro. Howard preach to us in the morning and evening services. God is still drawing many people into the services and praise God we had two people receive the Holy Ghost in the morning service and one received the Holy Ghost in the evening service. Thank God He is really moving in the younger children's lives recently and the person who received the Holy Ghost in the night service was our own little Mario who is only 6 years old, it is really a blessing to see God get a hold of hearts at very young ages, to think of all the things our children will be kept from in this world because of the power of the Holy Ghost, & surrendering to God at an early age. To God be all the glory, be blessed in Jesus name! Lets reach our city in 2014!

this is cool