Monday, February 21, 2011

The Day is at Hand!

  Time seems to be going by at a rapid pace. Which only makes us hope & pray that we are all doing our part to reach the lost. The bible says that we don't know the day or the hour in which our Lord will return and there is still a lost world all around us. We have been gathering together at the church for united prayer on a regular basis and God is answering those prayers.On Thursday night we had a backslidden husband come with his wife to prayer! Although he remained outside of the sanctuary, when prayer was over and we went into the vestibule,he was sitting on the stairs.His eyes we red, and wet with tears-God was moving beyond the walls where we were gathered together! Pray for our Pastor, he came down with food poisoning or the stomach flu. Since it came on suddenly and unexpected, we were blessed to have our pastor's wife God blessed us with, Sister Alred! In her gifted way she ministered to the congregation about "What is in your hand?" She had a few people come up front and select a bag with an unknown item in it. She then had them pull the item out and tell us about what was in their hand.One of the people she asked to help her out was Sister Gwen's neighbor who visited for the first time last week.(After the service was over he ran up to the front to have Pastor pray for him. He then ran out the back door!) Last night he came back to feel what he had never felt before,THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST! When he opened the bag he pulled out a package of light bulbs. When she asked him if he could tell her about  what was in his hand, he went on to give a brief testimony of his life and how God had begun dealing with him last year. He then said that he really saw the light last week when he visited and how he sees his need for the Holy Ghost. God's spirit is POWERFUL and we need to appreciate the fact that we have it and share it with others.

-- Galations 6:9 KJV -- And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.


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